Thursday, June 30, 2016

How To Build Muscle: The Definitive Guide to Building Muscle

If you would like to build muscle, then here is how I’ve gained 43lb of muscle in Belgium, and how you can gain as much muscle in America (or elsewhere). The secret to gaining muscle is to get stronger. The stronger you get, meaning the more weight your can lift in the gym, the more muscular you’ll be. This is especially true if you’re a natural drug-free lifter with average or, worse, lousy genetics like I am. More strength is more muscle. 

Are You Making This Muscle Building Mistake? Go to any gym and you’ll find most guys doing body-part split routines. They’ll train five to six times a week… one muscle a day… going to failure on every set in order to get pumped… and using at least ten isolation exercises per workout to hit each muscle from every angle. I’m sure this sounds familiar to you. Many guys think they’ll build muscle with these body-part split routines because that’s what they read in some muscle magazine. Or because that’s how they saw some ripped dude in their gym train, and so they hope to get the same results if they train the exact same way – monkey see, monkey do. In reality, most guys will never build muscle with body-part split routines. Worse, they’ll look EXACTLY the same five years later. The few who do gain muscle with split routines almost always belong to one of these groups: Genetic Freaks – Some guys will build muscle DESPITE doing body-part split routines, NOT because of them. They’re genetically blessed. I’ve seen guys who were ripped and muscular before they even touched a weight. Not to sound rascist, but this is quite common with black people. Yet unless you were also born lucky with superman genetics, forget about building muscle with body-part split routines. Steroid Users – Drugs are extremely common among lifters, yet few guys are honest about it. Before I got my home gym, I trained five years in a commercial gym and more than half the guys there were on drugs. That’s why they managed to build muscle REGARDLESS of doing bullshit split routines – it’s because they relied on the muscle building hormones they injected in their body to gain muscle NOT on their training. Drug-free lifters like us won’t get away with that, we play by different rules. Advanced Lifters – Most top bodybuilders belong in this group. They used split routines to chisel their physique… AFTER first spending years building muscle mass by getting strong. Unfortunately most guys put the cart before the horse… and that’s like a sculptor trying to carve out a masterpiece from a tiny piece of clay – you just don’t have enough mass to work with. Similarly, split routines won’t work unless you’ve spent years building muscle mass. And that requires getting strong first.. Here’s what this all means: if you’re a drug-free lifter with average, or worse, lousy genetics like me, then building muscle boils down to this… If You Are Not Lifting More Weight Today Than You Did One Year Ago, Or Even One Month Ago… Then You Are NOT Building Muscle! And I don’t care how pumped or sore you get. You can dumbbell bench on a bosu ball with 30lb in each hand until you’re blue in the face… but the guy who benches 250lb will always have a bigger chest than you. And that’s because he’s lifting heavier weights. More strength is more muscle. Think about it, why are the best-built guys that ever existed strong as hell? This isn’t a coincidence. They know that more strength is more muscle. They know that the stronger you get, the more muscular you’ll be.


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